First Start

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First Start

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You need to download Distant Desktop to all computers which you want to use for remote access.

This remote desktop software has no installer, so we recommend to move the executable to other folder. Wherever it will be convenient for you to launch it every time. For example, to desktop.

Please run distant-desktop.exe.


If you have admin rights, the program will ask for elevation, and will run as SYSTEM user. This is required for correct working on login screen (for example, when PC is locked).

If you are working under Standard user account, then the program will operate as a current user. But in this case you should avoid locking the remote system or pressing Сtrl+Alt+Del, because the connection will be interrupted.


When you run Distant Desktop first time, it may be blocked by firewall. Please allow access for Distant Desktop and Distant Desktop Server in public networks.